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Looking For the Good in Life

Do you have a habit of noticing what is missing in your life? Do you focus on lack rather than appreciate what you already have? I have found that many people have this tendency. Often this behavior is not even conscious. What you focus on magnifies and expands. If you focus on the lack of anything such as with health, money or love you are attracting more of that into your experience. Rather than look at what is missing train yourself to focus on that which is good in your life. I have been involved with a wonderful coaching program with Mary A Hall. Mary teaches you to look for “what is right in the moment”. I highly encourage this. No matter how difficult things may appear in your life there is always something, maybe even many things, that are right. It all depends on your focus. Looking for what is right in the moment will help you to see and appreciate what is really good. For example, I love mornings. I love listening to the sounds of birds that are plentiful this time of day. I especially love the song of the Cardinal. It puts a smile on my face and brings joy to my heart. I then look out my window trying to catch a glimpse of this beautiful red bird. It is always a delight to see. This is just something very simple yet it lifts my spirits and brings me joy. Wouldn’t you rather focus on something that brings you joy rather than to focus on that which brings your spirits down? You might even want to keep a journal about those things that make you feel good. Abraham-Hicks suggest keeping a “Book of Positive Aspects” This is just a matter of buying a notebook that is attractive to you and giving it that title. In it you write about people or things that you always feel good about. By focusing on “positive aspects” your vibration will be lifted. The more positive aspects you look for the more you will discover. I encourage you to look for the good in your life. You will see that the more you do this the more “good” will make itself evident to you. Continue to do this and see how your life can change for the better. Now it’s your turn. I would love to hear your comments. What good have you noticed in your life?

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