Susan Eller: Transformational Counselor, Reiki Master, Empowerment Coach for Women
Client Testimonials
“Thank you for all your help so far and I’m looking forward to speaking with you again. I want to wish you all the blessings in the world-you’ve helped me soo much and we’ve only spoken such a short time! Look forward to speaking with you soon.” P. Garcia
“Susan, thank you for all you do. You have helped me so very much in the last few months. I barely recognize the person I was when I met you first. The changes in my life were almost immediate and now, after just a few months, things seem so different. You never gave up on me and your gentle prodding kept me going on to such wonderful things! With your help, I am dealing with stuff and I am a better person for it. Thank you for helping me change my life.” M.S., Massachusetts
“Susan, I wanted to thank you for the incredible impact that you have made on me. I honestly believe that you are a God-Send to me. Your patience and constant reminders to return to the place of love has broken down many protective walls that I built around my spirit. I didn't realize that those walls were actually hurting me. You have taught me to forgive myself, as I forgive others. You've taught me to love myself the same. I look forward to continuing our sessions and I'm excited for my future. Thank you for all you've done in the past to bring you where you are now, so that you are able to be such a fantastic life coach and counselor.” Most fondly, Carla K. B. California
“Susan, you have been a gift to me. You have taught me tools invaluable for my life. I have a strong foundation and security in the knowledge you’ve given me. And beyond that, you’ve led me to opening my heart. It has taken wings in a path of spiritual awakening. I thank you.” Deborah M., California
“As a result of amazing and insightful sessions with Susan, my life is in the process of being transformed from one level of success to another level which I never knew existed. I have been able to open my awareness to patterns that no longer serve me, and have been simultaneously reminded of the good that already exists in my life. I am learning to accept all aspects of myself without judgment. With her gentle, intuitive, kind nature I’ve been able to apply what I’ve learned in our sessions to my business, marriage, and children. Thanks to sessions with Susan my anxiety and stress are now manageable and I see limitless possibilities for my life, wealth accumulation, and continued success for my family.” S.U.- Pennsylvania
“I am so grateful to have known and worked with Susan for more than 30 years! Times, places and circumstances have all changed, but she has been a touchstone for me - the still point in the storm. I know from my many years of experience with her that she is truly dedicated to the highest good for all - it's been her life's work! Susan is a gentle yet powerful channel of love and energy healing. She has helped me work through some of the most difficult passages in my life. She has expanded my view of any situation I've ever brought to her. Her sincerity, humor, wisdom and deep understanding have been great gifts and I am deeply appreciative.
Susan, thank you for being!!!!” Gail T
“Of the many things Susan has helped me with, I think safety is one of my favorites. She came into my life at the perfect time. Her compassion, understanding, and love of her work has only empowered me.” Wendi.W., Computer Specialist
“Susan is the most incredible counselor! She does not use staid, boring “traditional” methods. Instead, she uses vital, interactive methods, and leaves a person with tools to help cope with life and/or problems. Tools that help put one back in control. Susan leaves one feeling stronger, healthier, and happier with each session!” Sherilyn M.
“Susan, thanks so much. You’re a wealth of knowledge and goodness and have made my life so much easier. Thank you. Sandy, California
“They say that angels come into your life to teach you lessons. Susan has been my angel and has taught me to live free from the past and in peace. Thank you Susan. Nancy.L. California
"As I sit here in a blue funk, I gently remind myself that I have what it
takes to get through this mood on to enjoying the day. My wandering mind
takes me back to 6 or 7 months ago when I was so confused and full of
fear that daily anxiety attacks were not uncommon. At that time there
was this all-encompassing searching and wanting within. I was raw and
wounded and didn't know what I needed, just that I needed.
Like an answered prayer, I received an online message from an
aquaintenance who offered a listening ear, gentleness and understanding.
Our chat helped me to feel all was not lost. There were, indeed, things
I could do to work through the gloom. Soon afterwards, Susan Eller and
I met regularly for online counseling sessions.
Within only a couple weeks I was astonished by how much lighter
I felt. Talking with Susan triggered a spark of healing within me that I
previously didn't know existed.
Having been in and out of traditional counseling and on a number
of medications for the past 20 or so years, the relief from depression
after working with Susan was phenomenal.
Instead of staring blankly at me when I began to cry, she told me, "Let the tears flow."
Instead of hurrying to label or diagnose me (which to me translates into thinking
something's wrong with me), she calmly told me my reactions were normal
for my situation.
Most importantly, instead of telling me to get on with
my life, Susan encouraged me to take time to feel and to heal.
Now as I place my hand over my heart, I sense the healing rise
within my soul and my body. This simple technique is just one of many
(taught to me by Susan) which have turned me from trembling and afraid to
even leave my house to taking walks in my neighborhood and chatting with
strangers in a local restaurant while dining alone, no less!
I am filled with such gratitude for Susan Eller. I lovingly recommend her
gentle guidance to anyone and everyone wanting and needing to heal."
Leslie G