Happy New Year Everybody! Here we are. It's 2017, a number one year in universal number cycles and a time of new beginnings. Since we are...

Practicing Self-Care
Recently on Twitter someone asked me what the difference was between self-care and being lazy. I thought that was a great question. One...

Five Steps to Transform Negative Thinking (and Your Life)
What thoughts dominate your life? Do you ever stop to notice? Most people are unaware of the impact their thinking has on their lives....

Conscious Change
You are constantly changing. Until more recent times inner change occurred without much conscious awareness. Now many people are...

Seven Steps for Cultivating Happiness
Are you happy? Do you know what makes you happy? It is easy to look to the external world for happiness. You may look for happiness in a...

Looking For the Good in Life
Do you have a habit of noticing what is missing in your life? Do you focus on lack rather than appreciate what you already have? I have...