
Happy New Year Everybody!
Here we are. It's 2017, a number one year in universal number cycles and a time of new beginnings. Since we are in January with the first new moon of the year approaching on January 27th I just want to remind you to set your intentions for the new year.
I also want to invite you to listen to the archive of my first radio show on News For the Soul. It was on January 17th. The topic of this show is Heal/Shift/Shine: The healing and transformative power of the breath.
On this show I talked about the importance of deep conscious breathing as a way to reduce stress and anxiety and how it can help you in three ways.
1. It aids your health and well-being
2. It helps you to shift and transform
3. It can also help you to open your heart to receive the light so that you can expand and shine your light out into the world.
I invite you to listen to the archive of my show which you can find here:
Wishing you all the best in 2017.
~ Susan